Dinghies & Tenders - for Rowing and Sailing


A 9.5' Tender

The original 9.5' Tender under construction in '92(?) That is me - I'm sure the boat has aged better than I have...

This design was originally created in the early ’90s. At the time I was working in a shop in Toronto – The Tender Craft Boat Shop.  We produced an 8′ GRP tender – “The Proper Yacht Tender”,  well finished with cherry thwarts, ash wales,  bronze fittings, and a canvas neoprene gunnel guard trim. 

The 9.5′ tender was in response to an almost whimsical request at the International Boat Show  – a few boats came about that way.  Armed with a new drafting table, home made splines & weights,  and a copy of Chapelle’s “Yacht Designing and Planning”,  I drew the 9.5.

It was originally built using a very popular wood strip epoxy method with good results. I believe the design to be handsome – and the design provided sufficient volume to be a practical tender for rowing, and good fun (if not blisteringly fast) sailing. I built 3 or 4 of them myself, and the plans were marketed as a kit as well. I designed a similar boat in 8′ – more volume than the original Proper Yacht Tender – It was again marketed as a kit.

Not too long ago, I came upon the original drawings on velum  – and thought it might be fun to “digitize” them; taking advantage of good CAD software such as Rhino, and Orca3D. The renderings below gives you some idea of the work in progress.

Now drawn as a lapstrake boat; I acquired a little extra knowledge on how to create individual lapped planks in Rhino – it’s easier in real life.

It is a work in progress. The completed revisions will result in fair lines to the inside of plank – enabling construction of a lapstrake boat, or in woodstrip epoxy.

If I find them, I will do the same for the 8′ version – and for a 12′ rowboat of which I built a single boat and never published the plans – the original boat was an anniversary gift to my father. 

9.5' Tender - "Tender To Aisling Fliuch" Lapstrake Sailing and Rowing Versions

Length – 9’6″

Beam – 3’8″

Construction – Tradition lapstrake, glued lapstrake ply, or woodstrip epoxy (cedarstrip)

Sail Rig – Solent Lug – all spars fit within the boat!

Sail Area – 42 sqft


"Tender To" is a revision of the original Strip built tender designed and built in '92
"Tender To Aisling Fliuch" View from Astern
Outboard profile & Plan for "Tender To"
Lines to Inside of Plank for "Tender To"
"Tender To" Rowing Version
"Tender To" Rowing Version

Other Dinghies

This 12′ Dinghy was originally built as an anniversary gift for my Mum & Dad in ’92. My Dad loved to row. He was a member of the Cambridge University Eight Crew which had some success in ’46.

The original boat pictured here was very much an “eyeball” design & build (I did quite a bit of that back then), and it turned out quite nice.

I hope to dig out the paper patterns I created back then, and turn them into a proper design file – Check back!