It Doesn't Float:

Getting AutoDesk Revit, Rhino, Lands Design and Vray to play nice together... or; Other stuff done for yucks and chuckles....

A "Boats's-eye" view of the Cabin
Cabin At Night -Christmas
Cabin In The Woods at Sun-up

Over the course of the summer,I typically spend a fair amount of time on my bike (the pedaling kind), and less time on the computer designing (except for sketchpad stuff) . This year I found a little time to take some extra CAD courses. In the spring I took an AutoCad course, and over the summer, I took a course In AutoDesk Revit, which is used for building modelling and architectural work. The software allows for parametric design – when you change one element, all associated elements  change as well –  or so it is supposed to go. It was time well spent – and I’ve created this section to show off some of my work – not to mention some of the boats that are featured elsewhere on this site. 

Clicking on the Image will give show a larger image

The Cabin In The Wood...

The Veranda
"Cabin in The Wood" Aerial View
The loft from the Rafters
A view of the loft space
Primary Bedroom
View of Bath From Bedroom
Ensuite From Window
Kitchen From Dining Room
Kitchen From Loft Step
Living Space View From Loft
Living Space fFrom Dining Room
Cabin - Aerial
Cabin - Aerial
Cabin - South Elevation
Cabin -North Elevation
Cabin - West Elevation
Cabin - Section 3
Cabin - Building Section
Cabin - Basement Plan
Cabin - First Floor Plan

The “Cabin In the Wood” was the final class assignment. I was given the opportunity to create my own design – with few requirements to demonstrate learned skills.

It was good fun; time well spent. So much so that I am enrolled in the next level Revit course. The skills aren’t directly usable in yacht design, but it did give me fresh technical and design perspectives. 

A Cabin/Beach House

A Cabin at The Beach
Beach House Living Room
Primary Bedroom Looking Out
Beach House Kitchen
Cabin Exterior View

The “Beach House” was a fun exercise meant to develop”Revit” skills and learn more about refining renders with Rhino and Vray. It also allowed placement of some boat designs – for a little imaginary context.

There are a few nuggets added to the scene as well…